Today, we check out yet another queer movie titled Girls Lost from Sweden by director Alexandra-Therese Keining who had previously brought us the lesbian movie Kiss Me , a...

As the most misunderstood, disregarded, and unappreciated community with the LGBTQ+ umbrella, it's fair to say that members of the trans community have suffered the most in...

The Japanese government this week granted a long-term visa to a South Asian transgender woman. It is believed to be the first transgender person to receive special permission...

Thailand’s first transgender billionaire, Anne Jakrajutatip, has joined forces with a up and coming Bollywood star to launch I Wanna Touch the Sky. The empowering track and...

Episode four of Queer Asia - Hong Kong tells focuses on the foreign workers in Hong Kong. There are people with the same background that, however, get a complete different...

Many of us have imagined once or twice how our dream wedding could be. However, for transsexual couple Hannah Winterbourne and Jake Graf marriage has been an unreachable...