Directed by Shie Guang-cheng, lesbian film Bao Bao aims to explore the complexity of surrogate mothers. It was not only nominated by Outfest, but also the opening film at the Taiwan International Queer Film Festival. The amazing acting work by Ke Huan-ru and Emmie Ries are key elements to the success of the film. The following is an interview with Ke Huan-ru conducted by LalaTai.
Watch Bao Bao on GagaOOLala
Q: The first time you played a lesbian character was in Ghosted (2009), how do you feel this time?
Ghosted was quite a hit. Although I do not like classifications like butch and femme, but briefly put, I was a femme in that film, and a butch in Bao Bao.
Film still from Ghosted / Source: Pixnet
Actually, I was quite happy and excited when I read the script, because, unlike heterosexual couples, relationships between girls are very exquisite and subtle. Subtle in what ways? It's kind of a chemical reaction. I can't really describe it in detail. But when I read the script, I knew and I understood the lyricism. I was excited to play the role.
Q: What kind of preparations did you go through for the character of Jie-an?
Because I have a lot of close friends who are lesbian, I'm no stranger to the character. When I was getting to know the character, I focused more on her personality and soul; and the differences with her partner, the difficulties the couple is facing, the conflict between them, etc. These were my concerns. I'm very thankful to the costume designer for making the looks so realistic. I felt it the moment I wore the chest binder.
When we were deciding on the costumes for Taiwan, because we had the stereotype that we had to be more masculine, the designs were more neutral and handsome. But when we were in the U.K., because the costumer designer couldn't come, so we found a Japanese make-up artist. We told her to do the make-up whatever she felt the local lesbians look like. And it turned out more feminine. I also adjusted my performance to the make-up. In the U.K., you'll see the feminine Jie-an; in Taiwan, she's more masculine. It's interesting.
Source: Darren Culture & Creativity
Q: What do you think about same-sex marriage?
I havf1-n8YbVHwVUEJdw69L*vq+jlPSprJAd)I%GZ__zGb3(V%k8F*e many lesbian friends and family members. I know that they face discrimination on a daily basis. I wish they could have the same rights that we have. I wish my family could freely share the problems in their relationsips, not worried about being heard by the elderly.
I know that she has never been able to acceuEVmCa!WZpT^XNIB3+@dp7NuxXB4F5wKQkDz7pelr7@!%u1S8gpt her identity. I know how difficult that is. I wish she could have the rights as we do. That's all I want to say.
Q: Would you like to recommend the reader of LalaTai to watch Bao Bao?
Bao Bao is a story of four closeted young people trying to have their own kids in the U.K. It is warm and yet sad. But we managed to make it adorable and humorous. It is the same experience you always encounter when you're looking for a partner, regardless of your sexuality.
There's a very important line in the film: "I want to have a family with you." It is hard enough to have the "you," nogouA@fudzd6AjkRv#PqeF#x7$u#87-dfoO)jdshnXx4+D#%kM%t to mention a family with the "you." You definitely have to go through a lot of things. So whether you're gay or straight, young or old, this film is for you. In this film, you'll discover the meaning of sympathy and understanding. Knowing more about these people through the movie. It's really adorable! You must watch it!