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RPDR S12 Finale Viewing Party 魯保羅變裝皇后秀第十二季總決賽觀影派對

2020/05/30 "DRAG LABS" RPDR S12 Finale Viewing Party 原本因故被迫停辦的DragLabs,經多番交涉後,再度強勢回歸,本週六再21b4&evjxVoX1IX#X(jfxBoc^WRxsb*uLJuCSF+fEr-Ii9%pKf加碼播放魯保羅變裝秀第十二季總決賽,並將由 Yolanda Milan, Kimmy GT 以及Omi 主持演出

Drag Laboratories, “DRAG LABS”
Will be starring EVERY Queen
With our whole new drag formula, to mix them up 👠

ArPmoeeL^EQ&Y#hzAmIRGHmgSEkclAM8oTl(bTA*TGYKPp^N6^&Re you ready to experience this experiment with us 💋

POSE with Brooke Lynn Hytes -Drag Race Superstar Party魯保羅巨星變裝派對

👠POSE with Brooke Lynn Hytes👠👠
Drag Race Superstar Party
@ Riverside Redhouse河岸留言西門紅樓展演館

魯保羅變裝秀第十一季第二名、超級巨星Brooke Lynn Hytes首度來台演出,再加上台灣第一個變裝競賽節目"Make a Diva"的皇后們以及新生代舞曲製作人兼DJ - Sonia Calico特別演出


Brooke Lynn Hytes, the drag race superstar
will be in Taiwan for the first time

We will be recreating the opulence ballroom scene at Riverside Live House Redhouse Ximen

POSE Party will be the biggest dress up event in Taiwan

POSE with Brooke Lynn Hytes -Drag Race Superstar Party魯保羅巨星變裝派對

👠POSE with Brooke Lynn Hytes👠👠
Drag Race Superstar Party
@ Riverside Redhouse河岸留言西門紅樓展演館

魯保羅變裝秀第十一季第二名、超級巨星Brooke Lynn Hytes首度來台演出,再加上台灣第一個變裝競賽節目"Make a Diva"的皇后們以及新生代舞曲製作人兼DJ - Sonia Calico特別演出


Brooke Lynn Hytes, the drag race superstar
will be in Taiwan for the first time

We will be recreating the opulence ballroom scene at Riverside Live House Redhouse Ximen

POSE Party will be the biggest dress up event in Taiwan

DragLabs 0118 - Skinny Bitches

2020/01/11 "DRAG LABS" - Skinny Bitches 變裝實驗室,本週六將為您帶來“長腿必娶之夜”,Reading天后 Elja Heights, 銀河系皇后Taipei Popcorn以及台灣第一個變裝皇后競賽節目“Make a Diva”MVP總冠軍Yolanda Milan領銜演出

Drag Laboratories, “DRAG LABS”
Will be starring EVERY Queen & King
With our whole new drag formula, to mix them up 👠

In ONE weekend
Two Consecutive Days
At least SIX shows a night

Are you ready to experience this experiment with us 💋

This Saturday ,

1/26 初二彩虹回娘家 Chinese New Year Rainbow Night




Kaohsiung's weekly LBGTQ club night is expanding! We'll still get together every Thursday for 彩虹星期四 Rainbow Thursday. But...

We'll be fully FABULOUS on this special Chinese New Year Sunday!!

Since it's Chinese New Year , we'll arrange some Chinese New Year festivities to help everyone get in the spirit!

DragLabs 0111- 變裝實驗室

2020/01/11 "DRAG LABS" 變裝實驗室,本週六將由俏皮小天后Yang Ming Shannon, 原住民皇后冠軍Rose Mary以及歌姬皇后Rafaela領銜演出

Drag Laboratories, “DRAG LABS”
Will be starring EVERY Queen & King
With our whole new drag formula, to mix them up 👠

In ONE weekend
Two Consecutive Days
At least SIX shows a night

Are you ready to experience this experiment with us 💋

This Saturday ,
Will be hosted by Yang Ming Shannon, Rose Mary, Rafaela

You do not want to miss this

魯保羅變裝皇后秀 RuPaul’s Drag Race:Werq the World Tour 2020

Taipei ~魯保羅變裝皇后秀時尚天后Violet Chachki首度訪台,你還在猶豫什麼?
👉👉Get your tickets now:

😍😱正宗「魯保羅變裝皇后秀」世界巡迴全新製作,2020 首度登陸台灣! The Official RuPaul’s Drag Race World Tour returns with an all new production for 2020! 😍
🌈Michelle Visage 領軍拯救宇宙的旅程,將帶著她來自各星系的皇后 Aquaria, Detox, Kim Chi, Monét X Change , Plastique Tiara, Sharon Needles & Violet Chachki!🌈🌈

台北 W 飯店「Light it up! 閃起來」Countdown Party 狂歡倒數派對

2020跨年計畫現在PLAN起來,12/31來 W飯店WOOBAR「閃起來.跨年派對」跟我們一同狂歡,現場將有從天而降的倒數氣球、炫目燦爛的IopmXX&hq$$MaIqPWm3KIq$gly7tS6YA-0L80eTL!^WS#COfvA聲光效果和雷射表演。跟Tomorrowland 指定邀請藝人 - DJ Mason感受2019的最後一刻!


Looking for a crazy New Year's Eve party in Taipei? W Taipei brings you "LIGHT IT UP" countdown party on 12/31 from 9pm till 2020 with DJ Mason's wild electro tunes.

See you at WOOBAR and let's end 2019 with OCzhejw7#2nCku&un76m+EnIdF0$m_%YxVXTJbNt0y!%yd5NRuno regrets! 



早鳥優惠 Early Bird Offer: 每人TWD2,190 per person (含巴黎之花香檳一杯 including one glass of PERRIER JOUËT, BELLE EPOQUE)

DragLabs 變裝實驗室 12.14

2019/12/14 "DRAG LABS" 變裝實驗室本週六將由Amily Givenchy, Elja Heights, Rafaela領銜演出

Drag Laboratories, “DRAG LABS”
With our whole new drag formula, to mix them up 👠

In ONE weekend
Two Consecutive Days
At least SIX shows a night

Are you ready to experience this experiment with us 💋

This Saturday ,Labs
Will be hosted by Amily Givenchy, Elja Heights, Rafaela

You do not want to miss this


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