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Hello, we are LalaTai.

The word "Lala" comes from "lesbian", its pronunciation brings a feeling of fun and vitality, and this is exacr6%*@XWiRQaX=E)xUjK^w+_L&cF6)wuKt8LftC6R&GQqU%_D2Xtly what we want to bring to our readers.

LalaTai is an online source for lesbian news and LGBT film reviews and interviews. We also announce our partner's GagaOOLala weekly film releases, We hope you cuWRaV^Ke(Y&(-@(+R)fCwODiHMn5Z)LYoIhfa^9XF)1C&77e&^an enjoy a wonderfully lesbian life! 

Join us now! You can find a warm and welcoming community here! And always remember: be true to yourself and everyone elseg@az=(7PeF6xzb@^+6k8CGei+1n!(fdh&QtDL0KEkOb1JliIv!, because love always wins!