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雌雄莫辨、擁有獨特空靈氣質的 Tilda Swinton,近日受到 Chanel 及臺北表演藝術中心的邀請,來台演繹 《親愛的帕索里尼》行為藝術演出,近 1500 張票券於一分鐘內售罄,台灣粉絲們對於 Tilda Swinton 的喜愛可見一斑!

而 Tilda Swinton 的魅力不僅止於展現驚人的演技和出眾的外貌;更準確地說,他的思想和談吐,大大地昇華了他的個人魅力!以下拉拉台盤點 5 句 Tilda Swinton 的人生金句,一起來看看吧!


1. “It's a real comfort zone for me to feel alien.”


2. “I never quite understand the way society decides who is beautiful and who is not. But an open face and a capacity for kindness always feel like reliable signifiers to me.”


3. “How do we identify ourselves, and how do we settle into other people’s expectations for our identity?” 我們該如何定義自己,又該如何適應別人對於我們身分認同之期許?


4. “I don't work the future - I don't want to know what's coming. I don't feel I need any guarantees.” 


5. “I'm very often referred to as "Sir" in elevators and such. I think it has to do with being this tall and not wearing much lipstick.” 我常在電梯裡被稱呼「先生」,我想這應該和我的身高,以及不太擦口紅有關。


Source:Tilda Swinton QuotesTilda Swinton Quotes


