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現年47歲的美國女作家伊莉莎白吉兒伯特(Elizabeth Gilbert),曾將離婚後四處旅遊的經歷寫成全球暢銷小說《享受吧!一個人的旅行》(Eat Pray Love),去年她和相戀12年的丈夫離婚後,和同為作家的女友交往,而她6日在社_idBCRw7kPE&cH09857(yJDfDv66e9ajqyV7@+Ak!b#hHUkkpK群網站上宣布,已私下和女友舉行一場「愛的儀式」,與罹癌的女友互許終身。


Dear Ones: Over the last year, Rayya Elias and I have been through some really difficult days together — but not today. Today was precious and perfect. A simple and spontaneous ceremony of love, surrounded by a small handful of friends and family. Our ceremony was nothing legally binding (no need to alert the authorities, folks!)...just a quiet and private celebration of what we have long known to be true: We belong to each other. More difficult days are to come. It doesn't get easier from here. Her illness is grave. But our love is strong. We will walk together as far as we can go together. After that, it all gets turned over to God. Create beauty with every day you are given, Onward, LG (And thank you, @bindleandkeep, for putting a rush on @rayyaelias's suit, and for hand-delivering it yesterday. She looked beautiful. Thank you for the grace, the care, and the compassion. You are good people.)

Egzn6NsC=(f^lZDOQa1Y$HnT4lmZ_4WVELzPoq6Yr^as0#@&%#1lizabeth Gilbert(@elizabeth_gilbert_writer)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 6月 月 6 2:17下午 PDT 張貼




吉兒伯特在Instagram宣布喜訊,上傳了一張她和女友蕾雅伊利亞斯(Rayya Elias)對望的照片。吉兒伯特身著簡單優雅的白色蕾絲上衣,瞇著眼睛望向女友,而伊利亞斯則在白襯衫外搭配黑色背心,兩人手捧鮮花,洋溢滿滿幸福。吉兒伯特寫道,在過去的這1年中,「蕾雅伊利亞斯和我一同經歷了許多困難日,但絕非今天,因為今天是如18h9Ff^WOhW_IYicPlE0!h(COx@VK$IM(Ky5qtH&@0XZ+ki#QU此珍貴與完美。我們的典禮沒有任何法律效力(各位,不用去通知政府單位了)…只是一場安靜的私人儀式,見證我倆早已確認的事:我們屬於彼此」。



