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14:00 墾丁夏都沙灘酒店 加入提醒

2018 夏都春宴 Spring Break on the Beach

? 這場派對將會讓您在五星級的國際飯店體驗世界級的音響,燈光,國際表演者及我們的贊助商所提供的招待酒水.
Come join us at the Nicest 5 Star Resort, on the Biggest Weekend of the Year, at the Most Popular Beach town, on the Best Island in the World. It’s SPRING BREAK on the BEACH!

早鳥票一月一日開始熱賣 Tickets go on sale January 1st, 2018
2018年票價 Ticket prices 
票價含三小時暢飲 Includes 3 hours of open bar

雙日聯票 Two day pass:
預售 Pre-sale 1500
現場 Door 1900

單日票 Single day pass:
預售 Pre-sale 1,100
現場 Door 1,300

You can also buy a ticket from one of our authorized presellers:

台北 Taipei
中文/English 0277379887
中文/English FB Message only
?Paul Leit
中文/English 0971300656
?Jay Murf
English FB Message Only
?Robi Roka 0976167642
?Cedric 0979686845

台中 Taichung
中文/English FB Message Only
?Robby Hampton
English 0908964105
中文/English 0937780774

台南 Tainan
?Debbie Liu
中文/English 0983013355

高雄 Kaohsiung
?Brickyard 紅磚地窖
中文/English 072150024
?Betty Ho
中文/English 0956808412
?Theo Cox
English 0900000418
?Willy Su
中文/English 0958233212

? 我們誠摯的邀請您來到全台灣最大的沙灘派對! 去年有超過一萬兩千人在萬里無雲的墾丁喝著免費的酒精飲料,在世界級燈光與音響打造的國際級派對中狂歡. 
We cordially invite you to Taiwan’s Biggest Beach Party. Last year, 12,000 people came to enjoy the sand and ocean, World Class Sound and Lighting, International Entertainment and complimentary drinks from our sponsors. 

? 娛樂演出陣容待宣布。2018年我們將邀請西班牙派對島嶼--伊比薩島的駐場DJ及許多台灣當地與國際知名表演者加入。結合重拍雷鬼, 拉丁樂等等,在沙灘派對中不可或缺的音樂元素,我們要將沙灘派對的氛圍提升到另一個境界!
In 2018, we’re taking the beach vibes to a new level by adding Spanish Ibiza resident B Jones alongside our local and international acts spinning Reggae, Dancehall, Latin, and Beach Jams! 

壓軸國際藝人: B Jones (伊比薩??)
Featured Headliner: B Jones (Ibiza ??)

在歐洲第一派對島嶼--伊比薩的各大知名夜店接連擔任駐店DJ的 B Jones。巾幗不讓鬚眉的她, 熟知島嶼派對的享樂主義, 更擅長藉由音樂帶引群眾進入一個激昂的境界。她的音樂帶有前衛狂野的吉普賽精神, 卻渾然天成地保留著電子音樂的精緻感。
With Residencies at Pacha Ibiza, Mambo Ibiza, Privilege, Nassau Beach Club, Km5 and Blue MarlinB jones embodies the authentic Ibiza. A lifestyle that fuses the wild and unconventional spirit of the gypsy with the sophistication and flair of the jetset. An ideal crossing of cultures where B jones reigns as its Queen.

alex36 & Anchor ?? B Jones ?? BCE Music ?? Chamber ?? Cola ?? Cross Cutz ?? Double G ?? DUB C ?? FAMOUS ?? HaaS ?? Irie ?? Kreamer ?? Loud Damn ?? Matthew ?? Max ?? MoneyDick ?? Nasi ?? NeKBRACE ?? Praddmix ?? RoBeat ?? Robi Roka ?? Smokey Bear ?? Song La ?? Suokeluoman ?? WAYsugar ?? Zoey & Phyllis ??

? 活動從白天開始就有DJ以及現場表演者的演出,日落後,沙灘更將成為一個由月光點亮的超大舞池.盡量早點來海灘上吧! 你可以來我們的沙灘運動會中觀賽,賽事包含: 沙灘足球、沙灘排球、飛盤錦標賽以及巴西柔術。你也可以跟豪朋友們在沙灘上玩耍,或在泳池畔喝杯清涼的飲料。下午三點後,您可享受整整三小時由贊助廠商提供的調酒暢飲,並與我們的DJ、舞者及成千上萬的派對群眾們在這裡一起趴踢。
Daytime will feature live acts and DJs playing jams to get us all in the mood to party. After the Sun sets over the water, the BPM will rise and the beach will turn into a large moonlit dance floor from the stage to the ocean. Come early to have fun on the beach, watch or compete in our beach soccer, ultimate frisbee, volleyball, or brazilian jiu jitsu tournament, or chill poolside with a cocktail. Starting at 3pm, enjoy an open bar with 3 full hours of complimentary drinks from our sponsors and get down with our DJs, dancers and many thousands of the most beautiful people on the island!

? 門票可於兩點進入細緻的黃色沙灘享受海水及陽光.同時可領取一個由贊助商所提供的暢飲杯於下午三點起就可以在中間主吧檯免費續杯喔!我們的贊助商將提供大家整整三個小時的免費酒水暢飲!
A ticket gets you in at 2pm to enjoy the Sea and Sun at the nicest stretch of yellow sand on the island. You also get a special sponsored cup that can be refilled for Free at the main bar starting at 3pm. Our awesome sponsors will be providing complimentary drinks for 3 full hours!

? 你可以透過邀請好友或者分享活動頁網址讓你臉書上的朋友都不會錯過我們的最新資訊!讓我們一起宣傳這個好消息,打破去年夏都春宴音樂派對一萬兩千人次的紀錄!
Please help all your awesome FB friends stay in the know by inviting them to the official event and sharing the link. Let's spread the word and beat last years number of 12,000 Spring Breakers on the BEACH!

? 夏都春宴常見問題 Spring Break FAQ夏都春宴常見問題-spring-break-on-the-beach-faq/1668146236614217/

? 現在就有機會贏得免費的票!#FREETHEBIKINI



經常來夏都春宴的臉書活動牆晃晃,去每張 #FREETHEBIKINI 照片按讚,以實際行動支持勇敢展現自己的派對同好吧!

? Get a Free Ticket #FREETHEBIKINI 
We’ll support your decision to rock sexy swimwear On the Beach with a Free Ticket!

Spring Break is a chance to push what is culturally accepted here in Taiwan in the right direction. Everyone should be comfortable with their own body, no matter what size and shape it might be! 

Post a SELFIE in your most awesome BIKINI on the wall of the 2018 夏都春宴 Spring Break on the Beach Facebook event. If it gets the required number of likes (see top post in discussion), we’ll give you a Full 2 Day Pass! Post now. The number of likes required for a pass will go up as the date of the event draws near! 

Show your support for Spring Breakers who decide to #FREETHEBIKINI by visiting the event wall often and clicking like on their BIKINI SELFIES.


聯絡電話07 215 0024


星期三淑女之夜 男女生都免費入場 女生還有免費暢飲
星期四彩虹派對 票價一律300元
星期五 男生300 女生150 學生一點前憑證免費 
星期六 男生300 女生150

*其他日子免費入場 .訂位 07-215-0024 for Reservations

