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日期 時間 活動地點
18:00 阿嬤家- 和平與女性人權館 加入提醒

遊行行前座談【為什麼支持女權 / Women's Rights 101】

這場座談集合台灣婦女團體代表以及年輕的女性權益推動者們,一起從婦女權益的基礎定義、國內外婦運脈絡通過個人經驗分享剖析「為何支持女性權益」! 座談以小型互動模式進行,還有安排和特邀嘉賓們交流的環節喔~

Women’s Rights 101 panel discussion will look at women's issues in Taiwan and around the world in a local and international scope. After the panel, you will have the opportunity to participate in small group discussions with special guests. Whether you have already read deeply on women’s rights or have no knowledge on the subject, everyone is welcome! 

?‍♀️ 無論你是什麼性別對婦女權益了解多少都歡迎喔!
?‍♀️ You don’t have to identify as a female or a feminist to join the event. Everyone is welcome! 

------活動流程 Event Rundown-----

• 趙思樂 (中國女權和人權作家)
• 白智芳 ( 婦女救援基金會 副執行長)
• 婦女權益促進發展基金會 代表

6:00-6:30 什麼是婦女權益? What are “women’s rights,” and why does it matter?

6:30-7:00 台灣與國外婦女權益發展史 History of women’s rights in Taiwan and Asia 

7:00-7:30 台灣性別平等嗎?Is Taiwan close to achieving gender equality?

7:30-8:20 現今婦女面臨最大的挑戰有哪些? What are the challenges against the advancement of rights for women in Taiwan and globally?

8:20-9:00 交流分享 General sharing(邀請與會者以及特邀嘉賓們與大家交流)




Women's March Taiwan 呼籲以女性平權促進人類平權。讓我們一起保障台灣人權,建立多元化、健康的社會!

