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13:00 台北矽谷國際會議中心 加入提醒

激揚Amplify 18

Church + Life Conference.

激揚[AMPLIFY] 旨在支持亞洲區共融教會及事工的發展。自2009年成立以來,會議已為亞太區基督徒提供敬拜、見證、共同經歷耶穌的空間。同時, 激揚會議不斷探討和實踐 “教會接納同志群體”這一議題,以見證福音和滿足社群的需要。

今年,我們將與台北同光同志長老教會緊密合作舉辦激揚會議2018, 與會者可參與充實的節目。除了可以向經驗豐富的神學家及教會領袖學習外,您也將與世界各地的參加者連繫和分享並共同經歷一段激勵的旅程。激揚[AMPLIFY](18) 將會參與在台北舉行的台灣同志遊行以見證神愛世人、支持婚姻平權和在教會生活中完全接納同志。

AMPLIFY was born out of a call to be a blessing to the development of inclusive churches and ministries in Asia. From its beginnings in 2009, the conference has provided a space for followers of Jesus Christ in the Asia Pacific region to worship, witness and wonder together; to explore and embody what ‘open and affirming’ means as we seek to be effective witnesses to the Gospel and meet the needs of our communities. 

This year, we are collaborating closely with Tong Kwang Light House Presbyterian Church to organize Amplify(18) and participants will have full access to an expanded programme this year. In addition to learning from experienced and inspirational church leaders and academics, you will have an opportunity to connect and share with others on the same journey from all around the world. Amplify(18) will be held in conjunction with Pride Week in Taipei, Taiwan as a witness to God's love for all and in support of marriage equality and the full inclusion of LGBTIQ people in the life of the church.




激揚[AMPLIFY] 旨在支持亞洲區共融教會及事工的發展。AMPLIFY Projects exists to equip and resource the development of open and affirming churches and ministries in Asia Pacific to be effective witnesses //

