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TEFF歐洲影展(Taiwan European Film Festival)由歐洲經貿辦事處以及杰德影音共同舉辦,邀請17個歐洲國家個別推選出一部電影參展,於全台各地藝文場所、表演空間、戲院、大專院校等約30多個場地同步串聯放映,影片皆有中英雙字幕。第15屆TEFF歐洲影展的放映期間為2019年11月29日至2020年1月19日。



TEFF (Taiwan European Film Festival) is organized by European Economic and Trade Office since 2005. TEFF presents a selection of European films every year aiming to show the diversity of cultures, arts and languages of the European countries. The 15th TEFF will take place from November 2019 to January 2020 at the venues all around Taiwan with free entrance, Chinese and English subtitles available.


關於執行單位 About the Organizer

杰德影音推動數位內容多年,期間曾獲得金馬獎、台北電影節、新聞局輔導金等各項肯定。2010年起整合旗下節目資源,於中華電信MOD及數位有線等平台提供觀眾國外優質電視內容,並多元行銷頻道節目讓台灣觀眾更加了解代理頻道及節目樣貌,合作夥伴包括:NBCU集團:DIVA頻道及E!好萊塢流行娛樂頻道;Viacom集團:COMEDY CENTRAL爆笑頻道、MTV Live音樂頻道、Nick Jr.兒童頻道;A&E集團:Lifetime娛樂頻道、History歷史頻道、CI罪案偵緝頻道、fyi生活頻道及H2頻道;Blue Ant集團:Blue Ant Entertainment和Blue Ant Extreme;更多優質頻道還包括CinemaWorld世界影城電影頻道、Fashion TV時尚頻道、DW德國之聲電視台、CNBC Asia Channel財經台、半島英語新聞台和澳洲Plus TV,以及The Golf Channel美國高爾夫頻道。

2015年起,杰德影音推出喜劇網站「哈哈台 HahaTai」,推出原創自製幽默短片內容,將豐富的頻道資源與網路更緊密結合,創造高質感娛樂內容的新體驗。杰德影音以「原創內容製作,結合全新通路,推出多元組合」為目標,踏出全新的步伐,持續送上最具口碑的歐美影視內容。2016年起,推出「DramaQueen電視迷」,提供歐美影集,電視節目和電影情報的資訊型網站,以及「嘎嘎台GagaTai」、「拉拉台LalaTai」等男女同志資訊網站,並且為更貼近產業趨勢打造全亞洲第一家同志酷兒線上影音(OTT)平台「GagaOOLala 同志電影線上看」,為消費者提供專屬的視聽享受。


Founded in 2005, Portico Media has been widely recognized for its accomplishments in content production, content aggregation and channel distribution. The company has received major recognition from the Golden Horse Awards (Best Short) and the Taipei Film Festival (Best Feature) just to name a few. Since 2009, Portico has been working with key Taiwanese IPTV, digital cable, OTT, and mobile operators by distributing to them some of the world's premium channels and content. Portico's content partners include: NBCUniversal, Viacom, A&E, CNBC Asia, Blue Ant, CinemaWorld, Fashion TV, DW, and The Golf Channel. The media landscape is rapidly transforming and Portico is dedicated to adapting and excelling in this exciting environment along with its content and platform partners.


In 2015, Portico's Production Division launched “Hahatai ”, the first of a series of brands focused on digital production, distribution, marketing and curation. “Hahatai ” aims to be the go-to destination for comedy and humor and is Portico's ambitious initiative to integrate the fluid online universe with the rigors of linear TV channel programming. Portico synthesizes its distribution expertise, marketing experience, and creative production know-how to generate entertainment for its viewers and value for its partners. In 2016, Portico launched “DramaQueen” the US TV series, shows, movies news and information website, and two entertainment and life information websites “GagaTai ” and “LalaTai ” for the gay and lesbian groups, and established the first one LGBTQ content focused OTT service ”GagaOOLala - LGBTQ Movies Online” in Asia in accord with the trend in the industry to bring more entertainment for the niche group.


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