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15:00 台北市大佳河濱公園 加入提醒

Super Chill Presents We Are Connected Taipei

蟬聯三屆全球百大DJ冠軍 Tiësto王者魅力一觸即發!
七年的等待即將終結,傳奇DJ Tiësto(提雅斯多)回來了!

由荷蘭電音教父Tiësto強勢領軍,全新電音盛典We Are Connected正式登台。你知道嗎?身在數位時代的我們,只需要六次以下的連接(connection),就可以和世界上任何一個角落的人接軌。世界何其大,而我們都是龐大網絡中的一份子,讓我們一起分享對派對、音樂及生命的熱愛,一眼瞬間,全世界合而為一。

WE ARE all online. WE ARE a universal network. WE ARE the digital age. WE ARE the future. WE ARE CONNECTED.

2017年2月19日 大佳河濱公園 等您親自體驗蟬聯三屆全球百大DJ冠軍的王者魅力。



主辦單位:Super Chill Events

1. 日期:2017/02/19
2. 預計開放入場:15:00
3. 活動時間:預計15:00~22:00
4. 地點:台北市大佳河濱公園 (十號水門段)

※ 售票日期:2016 / 12 / 26 (一) 晚上07:00
※ 售票方式:全台7-ELEVEN 門市內 ibon便利生活站


-第一波售票時間:2016/12/26 19:00開始販售,售完為止。
1. 一般票GA早鳥:$2,800
2.           VIP早鳥:$3,400

-第二波售票時間:2016/12/26 20:00開始販售,售完為止。
1. 一般票GA早鳥:$3,000
2.           VIP早鳥:$3,600

-預售票售票時間:2016/12/27 19:00開始販售,售完為止。
1. 一般票GA預售:$3,400
2.           VIP預售:$4,000
3. 一般票GA現場:$4,000
4.           VIP現場:$4,800
5. VVIP包廂訂位資訊請洽:[email protected]
6. GA現場票及VIP現場票部分:將於演出前十天公布是否販售


1. 一般票GA早鳥、一般票GA預售、一般票GA現場:
    - 憑票可入場 Super Chill Events Presents We Are Connected Taipei
2. VIP早鳥、VIP預售、VIP現場:
    - 憑票可入場 Super Chill Events Presents We Are Connected Taipei




As the sky fades to black and the stars appear, a citizen of Myanmar drifts away in his mind and raises the question.... are we all connected? Can I reach out to someone I don’t know and become connected?

Yes you can, because WE ARE CONNECTED.

In the world of today, you are only six or less steps away from anybody you can think of. With only six handshakes, you can connect with whoever you like. You are the unique element within the connected circuit of the world, the distinguishable person needed to make the circuit whole.

You, your friends, your family, are the movement that give energy to the universal network, those that communicate online, those that live in the digital age, those that like to party and those who have the will to share. Those who share knowledge, culture, emotion, music, and all together, those who share and live life!

WE ARE all online,
WE ARE a universal network.
WE ARE the digital age.
WE ARE the future.

