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20:30 草御殿 Ivy Palace 加入提醒

Free screening 免費放映: The Queen of Ireland/愛爾蘭出格皇后



她,是全世界最聲名大噪的「皇后」,備受愛戴的程度直逼英國女皇,嫵媚多姿的身段早已豔冠群芳。她──是愛爾蘭變裝皇后Panti Bliss,大膽、極富魅力的舞台風格讓她廣為人群歡迎,樂觀、敢言的作風也讓她逐漸取得更大的發聲權,從90年代起她就一路為LGBT族群喉舌,為HIV患者平反。2015年,愛爾蘭同性婚姻合法化在公投中獲得壓倒性的支持,而後憲法終於賦予LGBT族群平權。那天,人們肩上披著彩虹旗、手裡高舉"YES I DO"標幟,Panti身穿一襲搶眼的粉紅色洋裝,在人群間快樂地手舞足蹈。後來在一段演講中,她是這麼說的:「這個日子告訴了我們一件事,那就是如果我們對某件事有足夠強烈的信念,如果我們團結起來,我們可以辦到不可思議的事。我們可以做出很大的改變。」每個人都有浪漫的權利,Panti Bliss從格格不入到自我領悟,再到親上火線為LGBT平權一路奮戰,正是憑著一股堅定而浪漫的初心。她的旅程,是整個愛爾蘭LGBT群體的縮影,也是每一個古怪、獨特的人們的生命故事,如同一齣飽滿而美麗的歌舞電影,笑中帶淚,又撼動人心。


Free screening: The Queen of Ireland 

A documentary that follows drag queen Panti Bliss: part glamorous aunt, part Jessica Rabbit, she's a wittily incisive performer with charisma to burn who is widely regarded as one of the best drag queens in the world. Created by Rory O'Neill, Panti is also an accidental activist and in her own words 'a court jester, whose role is to say the un-sayable'. In recent years, Rory has become a figurehead for LGBT rights in Ireland and since the 2014 scandal around Pantigate, his fight for equality and against homophobia has become recognised across the world.

This screening is part of the 1905 International Human Rights Film Festival (17-27 May)


聯絡電話02 2550 0015


草御殿是一處複合式之另類生活體驗與展示空間,內設有選品店、服裝設計空間、茶酒館、藝廊、藝術家工作室等,透過空間的群聚作為展示銷售設計商品和傳達理念的直接管道,更是消費者與設計師社群互動交流的平台。我們期望草御殿的藝術能量能夠深入社區,增進一般大眾對於大稻埕的了解與直接接觸藝術創作的機會,逐漸達成吸引更多藝文從業者、舉辦多元展演活動、參與民眾持續增加的正向循環,使藝術成為生活也成為老屋生命的延續。 我們將邀請國內外各界藝術家 / 設計師進駐並進行創作,藉由本建築物濃厚的歷史感、地方感與藝文群聚的社群,建立起社區的藝術中心,使創作者、消費者、建築、地方文化等各面向間產生激盪,活化古宅並使其成為具有創造力的場域。而草御殿更將作為新銳設計師的育成空間,由我方提供其作品生產管道與販售空間等實質協助,使創新設計產品的產出可以得到良好的輔助,藉由持續創作新商品,拓展市場及客源,配合自身設計店舖、畫廊等整體場所運用規劃,則形成了多元而完整的創作生產鏈,足以提供消費者高質感商品外也為年輕創作者的發展提供空間。 來到草御殿,除了能夠感受百年老屋的風華,更能親自體驗台灣傳統建築文化風貌與當代藝術生活的交融。 The heritage building Ivy Palace lies in the heart of Taipei’s oldest commercial street, formerly the “Chen Yixing” residence and rice mill originally built in 1925. Newly renovated as a multifunctional space for dreams, innovation and a looking glass into alternative lifestyle choices, the palace contains the Charkha shop, a social classroom, exhibitions, communal designer and arts workspaces and the bar house which serves as a space for sharing information, dreams and bard tales. Ivy Palace promotes and sells designer goods, creates a platform between designers and consumers, from which we share, spread and experiment with different social models and lifestyles.

